Why is evolution so important to some people
103 |
The Environment |
Liberals and liberalism killed John Lennon
7 |
Republican |
Today is December 7th
1 |
Republican |
Alternative fuels
9 |
The Environment |
To save the planet
0 |
The Environment |
Tanner Publishing is almost ready to go!
1 |
Politics |
Why do we eat our own?
0 |
Republican |
Save the Earth!
2 |
The Environment |
NYC Bomber is just another attack from AQ.
30 |
Politics |
Is there really a double standard?
7 |
Politics |
Napolitano should be fired
13 |
Politics |
Where is the utopia we were promised, and hoped for?
8 |
Politics |
How to survive the economic down turn
8 |
Politics |
Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.
18 |
Politics |
I am pro choice
15 |
Politics |
THE SECURITY YOU GET from health insurance reform:
3 |
Politics |
The politics of the American dream
8 |
Politics |
Why are you a democrat?
49 |
Politics |
Evolution is proven to be false by science
227 |
The Environment |
Hispanics beware
8 |
Politics |
The politics of American distruction
3 |
Politics |
The politics of panic
48 |
Politics |
Torture approved by Congress
6 |
Politics |
It all started with the great society.
20 |
US Domestic |
The mess we are in and how we got there
18 |
US Domestic |
A conservative point of view
2 |
Republican |
Call the cops!!!
15 |
Politics |
1,522 people died because of global warming
35 |
The Environment |
Do you really care?
25 |
The Environment |
Global Climate Change
47 |
The Environment |
The bail out bill is going to cost us more that three trillion dollars
42 |
Politics |
It all started with the Shah of Iran.
134 |
War on Terror |
Thank You Mr. President
15 |
War on Terror |
Global warming LIES
38 |
The Environment |
Running out of oil
82 |
The Environment |
Governor Palin is proof the left is wrong
38 |
Politics |
The two party system sucks
3 |
US Domestic |
World War IV
51 |
War on Terror |
The U. S. should provide reparations for all Negro slaves
15 |
US Domestic |
Man saves the environment
4 |
The Environment |
Best & Brightest
5 |
US Domestic |
Proof of global warming
7 |
The Environment |
Gays in the military
40 |
Politics |
We Did this to ourselves
7 |
US Domestic |
With Skyrocketing Gas Prices, Americans Can No Longer Afford Rubber Stamp Congress
5 |
Politics |
Global Warming is REAL
99 |
The Environment |
Liberals created conservative talk radio
6 |
US Domestic |
The Bush cure for Global Climate Change!
21 |
The Environment |
Happy Birthday V. I. Lenin
31 |
The Environment |
The final word on global climate change
6 |
The Environment |