Interesting train of thought. I see your point very clearly.
Liberals aren't interested in actually helping anyone; they just want power, and one fairly efficient way to do it is to get everyone hooked on entitlements, economic and social realities be damned.
For the ones who don't get hooked, you simply impose laws and regulations, forcing them to conform, using the brute force of government.
On january 1st, 40,000 new laws and regulations came into effect.
"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."--Ayn Rand
But you're forgetting other aspects of liberalism's reign of death; in the early 70s, enviro-nut William Ruckleshaus, head of the brand-spankin' new EPA, decided to see how powerful his agency could be. So, they started a propaganda war against a very useful product of Dow Chemical, DDT.
Now, Dr. Rachel Carson had fired the first volley in 1962, with her book, "Silent Spring" (speculation and opinion masquerading as scientific reasoning), which depicted a world without birds, all avian life having been killed by the sinister DDT.
Ruckelshaus continued and escalated the conflict, using federal funds, declaring it to be a carcinogen. As a result, DDT was banned by the EPA in 1972, and its use was later discouraged by the UN. And we're still feeling the effects of the EPA's uncontrolled muscle-flexing, to this day.
Since that time, roughly 40 million people (mostly in Africa and others of those poor, downtrodden Third World countries liberals love to hold up as examples of their great compassion) have died from malaria and other insect-borne illnesses.
Add to this liberal's support of abortion (nearly 53 million as of January 2010), and euthanasia (over 3,170 recorded), and the total reaches genocial proportions.
Now, just for laughs let's throw in the over 100 million killed by communism, the fount of their ideals and fondest wishes.
"Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent".--Jim Quinn
Liberalism is a pox on history.