There is little that man can do to save the planet. First off, the planet does not know we are here! Second, this planet is doomed, ask any scientist with a degree in astronomy, that person will tell you what NASA said 30 years ago is still true. In five billion years the sun will die and with it all the planets in the solar system.
Too far away to care about? No problem, in three billion years the earth will die from global warming. Don’t care that the earth and everything on it will melt including stone by then? Fine.
In one hundred and forty thousand years from now all the water on the surface of the earth will boil away from global warming. No water, no life.
Still too far away to worry about?
Seven thousand years from now an asteroid will hit the earth, it is bigger than New York City, it will destroy all life on earth for a while.
Still not close enough to worry about?
In seven hundred years the asteroid that will kill us will pass close to the earth and there is a 10% chance it will hit us, if it misses us it will hit us when it comes back I seven thousand years.
Still don’t care?
Then I ask you why do you care if man pollutes at all? Because of the ozone?
That was proven to run in cycles and nothing we have done has hurt it.
Man made Global Warming?
Proven to be a hoax, if you take every bit of pollution man had created it equals three weeks of one volcanic eruption. There are on average 56 eruptions world wide a day for the last hundred years. As I said the planet does not even know we are here.
Acid rain?
We caused that, and when we realized it was happening the USA fixed it in less than ten years. Other countries have not. that is manmade acid rain, the acid rain caused by nature we can’t stop because man can’t control nature.
Is it starting to sink in? We have no control over the planet and what it does to us.