Crysis 2 on an imac. Pics and vid as proof
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PC Gaming |
I got a 27" imac, pics included.
13 |
Personal Computing |
Sony releases stupid box thing (at Best Buy of all places), The Onion is vindicated
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Everything Else |
Ea Downloader has been updated this morning to... something that is actually decent looking.
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Everything Else |
Bobby Kotick....... Attacks EA for... killing franchises?
13 |
PC Gaming |
I watched Max payne the movie with a friend...
1 |
Everything Else |
How do you feel the middle class is being viewed?
52 |
Everything Else |
Katy Perry's 'catch' gets arrested at an airport
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Everything Else |
New office, what do people think?
14 |
Personal Computing |
Well I added more monitors, and reduced clutter (IMO I guess).
26 |
Personal Computing |
San Francisco wants new ordinance to... Restrict cell phone toiwer build outs if they aren't pretty.
5 |
Everything Else |
I bought a Kindle, pix included.
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Everything Else |
Brits vote iphone 8th greatest invention ever.
16 |
Everything Else |
The internet is a scary place... But the ipad and iphone is here to save us!
12 |
Everything Else |
I bouhgt makeup for myself, pix when it arrives.
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Everything Else |
So why does society view women who go after bad men in such ways?
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Everything Else |
Toilet Tv. (cough bathroom renovation)
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Everything Else |
I REALLY hate to say it, but the PS3 has become my favorite console :(
12 |
Everything Else |
Not naming names, but why make a political topic and then ban every opponent from visiting it?
9 |
Everything Else |
My future quad monitor setup.
18 |
Personal Computing |
100 endaangered places on earth oh noes! So you must order a physical copy of a newsweek magazine!
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Everything Else |
Help! I need ideas on desk space!
77 |
Personal Computing |
Does anyone know the voltage of capacitor c605 on a dell 2407?
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Personal Computing |
The Official Bearer of the iKOOLAID has spoken! All hail Steve Jobs!!
111 |
Personal Computing |
Look at what I did today... Wall mounted my wall mount.
20 |
Personal Computing |
iTampon will destroy netbooks due to 'magic', according to Apple.
33 |
Personal Computing |
First person to post wins!
4 |
Everything Else |
Am I making any appearance at all of losing weight?
6 |
Everything Else |
I haz my own magics like Apple, I can bend time and space!
2 |
Personal Computing |
Repaired a laptop only to find another issue... The cause of the problem.
7 |
Personal Computing |
Cable, the Cable Management guard dog.
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Everything Else |
Oh look, a better iPad, that has more functionality then a tampon!
6 |
Personal Computing |
Crystal Disk Mark scores: X-25m 80 gig (TRIM) versus 7200 seagate sata 2 drive.
3 |
Personal Computing |
Show off your cute cat pics!
5 |
Everything Else |
I got my second portable tv... but My cats won't let me charge it.
3 |
Everything Else |
Solid State Drives; Who has them?
37 |
Personal Computing |
The liberal plan.
28 |
Everything Else |
Sims of a Team Fortress Forever.
14 |
Everything Else |
Spore popularity dropping fast, almost spiraling.
23 |
PC Gaming |
Most of the fanboys always buy something at the start... Spore has few drm fanboys.
36 |
Everything Else |
How many digits would the serial number of this be? Not asking for a serial number, need to find whe
10 |
Political Machine |
Recently watched The Shining high def version on my 40" 1080p tv....
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Movies & TV & Books |
Charter cable... As bad as people say? Read on.
9 |
Everything Else |
Programs need to play nicely with protection.
57 |
Personal Computing |
Show off your impulse games list.
10 |
Gaming |
Getting 2008 from amazon.
4 |
The Political Machine 2004 |
Biggest Spy ownership (TF2)
1 |
Gaming |
How much better is Political Machine 2008 from 2004?
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Gaming |
In a span of 3 months, one faction of the Digital Distribution pc segment outsells every console during that time, and all cojnsoles combined for one month.
15 |
PC Gaming |
PC GAMING iSN'T DYING! Stop with the end-of-world crap!
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PC Gaming |