I missed Tuesday night's auditions but caught last night's auditions in Houston, TX. I think they set a new record for worst auditions ever! Paula was feeling ill and ended up leaving about half way through. All of them walked out on people at different times. Both Simon and Randy walked out on a guy and he just kept singing...terribly!
It still boggles me, and I love it, that these people think they can be stars. I have taped myself singing and listened to it. I am not bad for your average person but I am so far off from being professional! What are these people thinking?!
I think Simon has been a lot nicer this time around. He is still no nonsense about telling people "no!" or "never!" or even "you might possibly be the worst singer I have ever heard." But he doesn't have the mean edge that he had before.
I feel the same kind of bewilderment with these people as I do with Survivor contestants. They all act as if they have never seen any of the prior shows. You can pretty much bet Simon will say something negative unless you are just incredibly talented.
I love this show!