One of the 'hidden' features of the game is that if you fail to make a payment, you don't lose. If you fail to make a payment, you start back at Day 2 but you keep all your current items, your merchant level, your adventurer levels (I think) and one or two other things. The payments reset, you start off with 1000 pix again, and I believe the storylines and dungeons reset, but other than that...
For those adverse to Steam, there is a demo available from Carpe Fulgar's webpage.
Also, minor spoiler, once you beat the game, it opens up a few other modes for you to play. There's New Game Plus which lets you load up a completed save and start over from Day 2 (plus some other stuff I think), Endless which lets you continue a game without any debts, and Survival Mode in which you play with ever increasing debt amounts with the objective being to see how long you can hold off debt while making as much money as possible. Then there's just finding all items, dungeons, and storylines.