So, the news just came out today that Gwyneth Paltrow, one of my fave movie stars, is pregnant with her Coldplay lead singer boyfriend. Do I know his name, Chris something, I think. Anyway, in my boredom at the Institute (my workplace) I've become an expert on searching celebrity gossip websites. (Thank you Eonline. What would I do if I actually had to work 8 hours a day.) So, I admit that I've become "attached" in a non-stalking kind of way to these celebrities. It's sick to say, but the media gives you so many opportunities to learn about these people that you almost feel like you know them. When I found out Gwyneth was pregnant, I replied "awww, that's great" as if she was one of my close friends. What is wrong with that picture? Who knows. Skylarsense tells me to accept the fact that as dimented it may be, celebrity gossip is an area that entertains and keeps me attentive and interested. So, reconizing that truth allows me to continue my routine of watching ET, reading people and checking out Eonline every day.
Ok, enough about me - let's talk about Gwyneth Paltrow's love chain. Don't you wonder what Ben Affleck is thinking? Do you think it has even phased him that his ex-girl is preggo? I bet he and J-Lo will get into a fight about it. I can just see Ben making some hurtful comment to Jennifer about the whole thing. Ben seems to make situations difficult when they don't need to be, he knows how to mess up a good thing. And then what about Brad Pitt? do you think he's upset, remember he was engaged to Gwyneth back in the day? or maybe he's working on a bun with Jen Anniston - i hope so, she's so cute and cool and they seem like a better match then he and Gwen.
I guess these are questions we'll just have to ponder, unless the folks at E or Access Hollywood gets in on the action...which they probably will. They've been getting better at "Barbara Waltering" people by putting them on the spot with the personal questions.