How do you tell someone that you love that it is over?
Do they get suspicious if you stop paying attention to them, even neglecting them?
Well, I think WoW knows that I am done.
It is more complicated than that, and in this case, it really is "It's not you it's me".
While we had some fun, some laughs, sometimes we cried.
You helped me through some stuff, and that time we spent is precious. I'm not sure I will be able to ever repay you for all the time we spent together.
But I've changed.
I've grown as a person, and sometimes two people in such a intimate circumstance don't grow at the same rate. I know there are new things on the horizon for you, and I'm happy, but I can't wait around while it happens. There is so much out there to explore.
Goodbye World of Warcraft. Maybe, someday, we will run into each other and the spark will bring us back together..but for now, let's just be adult and say goodbye.