The problem started when we realized that we needed to place the MINI map view buttons on the main UI, rather then in a popup, which is what I was thinking of from the beginning. This will save the player 1 click every time they want to change the view of the Mini Map. This is great for game play, but not so great for my UI. So I start trying to figure out where we are going to fit our buttons; the problem is compounded when we realize we have 9 buttons in GC2 as opposed to 6 in GC1. Quickly I realized that it is going to look like poop, and might cause some hit detection problems if buttons overlap the map. This will not do. What happened next is what became painful. Someone said "You could fit the buttons on fine if the MINI Map was a square". Ok so I'm paraphrasing but it was something like that. Now this is a long standing issue in GC2's UI, and I have to admit a sour point for me. A SQUARE MINI MAP. For all the hard core gamers who would play the game if it was X's and O's my reluctance to change the game back to a Square Mini map will seem odd if not downright foolish. But I do have my reasons. Let me explain. First let me take the side of the Square Map people and admit some of the strong points: 1) The Map in GC1 was Square, people are used to it that way. 2) It would allow for more buttons to be placed around it without hit detection problems. 3) Most Strategy games do it that way. Now let me defend myself and the beauty that is the rotated (and slightly squished) mini map. 1) We end up with a larger Mini Map, that takes up less or the same amount of the screen. 2) We are making a 3D game, and the aspect of all of our default views in the game are rotated. So our MINI map should reflect the default views. 3) Sure lots of other games use a square; do we want to just be like every other game? And beside it looks cool rotated.
Now these are not the official debate points we had, and the truth is everyone had good reasons for wanting the map their way. But it is my job to be the annoying "artist" and make the programmers life's a living hell. And I still say that it looks better this way. In the end, and after a night of trying to find a place for the new buttons I came up with a solution that I think everyone likes. At least for now. Now comes the real test: The Beta. Lets see what the users think; they get the veto one way or the other. I will admit, this is not so much a Great Controversy, but hey, I make games for a living how bad can it be.
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