Anyone (old like me) remember the Visible Man and Visible Woman models? Maybe they weren't as far fetched as you might think...

Anyway, the substance is a common food dye: the one that gives Doritos their orange color...and the skin is on a mouse. Then, using light of a certain frequency, you can see through the skin to the underlying structures.
There is a depth limitation of a few millimeters, but still...this opens up avenues for further research. Imagine Doctors could image internal structures without harmful radio-opaque dyes or radiation...and actually see blood coursing, etc. The future looks to be a cool place, if we don't eliminate the human race.
Take a look at the linked article. I can't reproduce the image there legally without paying,'ll have to click to see the laser speckle image. However, here's a video of the dye technique and results from The Guardian:
(credit The Guardian)
This is rather amazing, but honestly it hasn't been tested in people yet so please don't go and ruin your clothing and develop allergic rashes, etc. I don't want a bunch of irate mommies hunting me down because their kids are now yellow as are their clothing, etc.