So the other topic about Dark reminded me i used to have topic on shows i watched in 2015/16/17
here ->
and i watched quite a lot of stuff in 2020, especially, given pandemic and whatnot, i thought i could continue where i left off and make new 2020 related topic. So here we go, in 2020 i watched:
Star Trek Discovery S3: utter garbage
Picard S1: unfortunately as bad as Disco, wanted to like it so much, but it was terrible
Star Trek Lower Decks S1: only acceptable NewTrek show, fairly OK, even if more of a sitcom set in Trek universe, than proper Trek show. Still the only decent of the lot.
Messiah S1: modern day drama/thriller about guy claiming to be new Jesus
LaMante: french criminal series, about female serial killer, quite decent
Outsider: Stephen King stuff, very good, especially the initial few episodes
Stranger: british crimi/thriller
Sinner S1,2,3: US crimi/thriller with Bill Pullman, the first season very good IMO, the later 2 not as much, but still watchable
Lost in Space S2: might have watched it in 2019 though, not sure now
Paranoid: british crimi/thriller
Ozark S1,2,3: US crimi/thriller/drama, sort of Breaking Bad, very good, recommended
Broadchurch S1,2,3: british crimi/drama, very good, recommended
Curon: italian mystery, not that great
Snowpiercer S1: scifi, based on the same name movie, great, recommended
Perry Mason: modern remake of classic crimi, decent
What we do in shadows: sitcom about vampires, really good, recommended
Peaky Blinders S1-5: british historical crimi/drama about 1920 gangsters, really good, recommended
Alienist S2: US crimi, quite good, but first season was better
Glitch S1-3: Australian mystery about dead people coming back, decent
Umbrella Academy S1,2: comic based action/scifi, not into comics, but really liked this one, recommended
SpaceForce: US sitcom about space program, fun at times, but saw better sitcoms
Haunting of Bly Manor: mystery/ghosts stuff, fairly OK, not too scary, different compared to first season, Haunting of the Hill House
Threshold: older scifi classic from cca 2005, rewatched after maybe 10 years
Outlander S1: historic with scifi elements, did not quite like it to watch more, but might return to it
Into the Night: post-apocalyptic scifi
I am not okay with this: comic-like, sit-com
Requiem: british mystery/crimi, decent
The Investigator: British Crime Story S1: documentary
100: US/canadian post-apocalyptic scifi, currently watching S6, surprisingly very good
Mandalorian S2: was okay, probably better than Treks, but bit too simplistic. Not a match compared to likes of Expanse.
Ash vs Evid Dead S1-3: horror sitcom, over the top gory and fun
Lovecraft´s Country: rather disappointing
Raised by the Wolves: scifi, bit of a mix bag
Bored to Death S1-3: great sitcom
To the lake: Russian show about deadly viral pandemic, fairly actual. Surprisingly good.
Liberator: WW2 military show, similar to Band of Brothers, in weird stylized visuals. I generally dont like these kind of shows, as they are mostly all about relaying the atmosphere, but light on story, but this one was okay i guess.
Dark S3: final season of german time-travelling show. Went over the top with it and became overly complex and super-difficult to follow, so it was disappointing, especially after flawless first season, but overall, its worth to watch.
Dirk Gently´s Holistic Detective Agency S1: loosely based on Douglas Adams novels. Not bad, but could be better.
Aside of these, i watched few episodes of Narcos: Mexico, Blacklist, Paranormal, Toast of London and Tin Star, but have not finished watching yet, for various reasons.
So, thats it. Anyone saw any of these and cares to comment? Or suggest something else you watched and thought it was good/worth a watch? I am all ears 
EDIT: Forgot one more show, so added it.