My one and only personal experience with one of these "Microsoft Techie Spammers" goes something like this.
I come home from a particularly long day at work.
<wife greets me at the door phone in hand>
"some guy on the phone saying our computer is sending error messages?"
<I take the phone and being in no particular mood to chat with anyone least of all some asshat I say>
"You must have the wrong number sir, I don't have a computer"
<***then for the first time in my life I experience being cursed at with expletive after expletive by a actually leaves me speechless>
"you think I piece of s####?"
<after taking a second to regain my composure>
"excuse me?!?"
"you think I'm piece of #### you moth######!?"
<again I pause to take a breath>
"what did you say?!?"
"I say you think I piece of F#### s#### you moth######?"
"why would you say that to me?"
"you don't have a computer? you think I'm stupid? for sure you have a computer......"
"like I said, I don't have a computer!"
"f#### you you piece of s####, mothe##### son of b#####"
<I stare at the phone in my hand for a full 3 seconds before handing it back to my wife>
"what did he say?"
"I don't even have the words to explain what happened on that phone call right now"
Prior to this experience (call came in about a month and half ago) I had never been cursed at by a spammer of any kind. Truly surprised me how angry/aggressive he got. So far it hasn't happened again.....