Currently on Windows 7 32-bit. I've had a couple driver issues so a wipe and re install was in the works anyway. Skyrim seems to need 64-bit to be able to properly use the HD textures without crashing and more games are looking to support 64-bit so I might as well make the jump.
I want to format the drive (as I always do with a re install of the OS) and install Win 7 64-bit clean. I have the 3 license Win 7 Upgrade pack.
Now when I originally installed Win 7 Upgrade on the fresh drive I did the old "double install" method so the Upgrade version would activate.
My question here is this:
I assume "Upgrading" to 64-bit (from current 32-bit) will require a reformat anyway. So can I boot using the 64-bit Upgrade install disk, it will detect this as an "upgrade" and then format the drive and install?
Or should I format the drive first and do the old double install method again?
I've downloaded and burned to CD 64-bit compatible drivers for my mobo and hardware so I'm good there. All my files are of course backed up to both a 2nd drive and burned to CD so I'm good there.
Anything else I should be aware of or advice using a 64-bit OS?