TBH this probably counts as advertising which is against the rules of most forums. Honestly I've thought the sales on steam this holiday were pretty lame until today.
It does sound like it, yes. It's not my intention to shill for Steam here though, I just wanted to generate some awareness in case there are people on the PC Gaming forum here who didn't know about of this. Regardless of who you buy your games from, there are some really good deals here.
If Impulse was doing the same, I'd be posting it too. However there have maybe been 2-3 notable offers from them this year. They were offering CivIV (just the base game) for $10. Last year Impulse had the complete pack for $10. They've had some of their exclusives on sale, but it's been pretty half-assed; Sins base game only half-off, GalCiv 2 for $10 off, Elemental (Collector Edition only) $20 off. Don't know if Stardock lost leverage with some of the companies, they just don't care, or had no idea Steam was going to essentially pull out a shotgun again. I would rather use Impulse over Steam, but they need to throw me a bone here. I was looking at getting the Divinity II pack for something to do over the holidays, but held off knowing this sale was coming; and, well, 33% off. Sorry Stardock.
On a semi-related note, I really wish Gamestop would hurry up and go under so digital distributers would be free to have these sales whenever they like instead of being seasonal events. PC Gaming would see a huge surge if the average price of new games dropped to $40 or less. Instead we have Activision and EA demanding $60 and getting away with it.