Amazing that a country that invests all of it's citizen's capital in war can't find the heart to insure the poor.
Actually there are programs. Even the private insurances aren't all that great. Insurance companies are showing big profits by denying care LINK. LINK.
None of that is big news, though. You put the cart before the horse: Imagine what could be done for the country/world if there was no war to support.
When it comes to life saving treatments of any kind, surgical or otherwise, there should ... BE NO PRICE TAG. PERIOD!!!!
Unfortunately, there is. Also, expensive care isn't necessarily good care, nor is it necessarily desirable. Not everyone feels as you do...there are situations where it is better for the individual to have palliative care, and the individual might live a longer and life and have more quality that way. These things are best left to the doctor, patient and family to explore together in an informed manner.
IMHO healthcare should be a FREEBIE!
Sorry, one is going to do that because no one gets a freebie on rent, food, clothing, etc. (like a college and medical school education) is simply not possible to expect such a thing, any more than to just walk onto an airplane to anywhere without buying a ticket or into a market and walk out with food without paying, or into a new car showroom and drive out without paying...
Nothing of value is free. In point of fact, nothing is free...period.