After playing a couple hours of Elemental, I went and played a few more hours of Minecraft last night.
It was fun when a zombie appeared in my home. I don't know if I forgot to close the door or there was a hole he found his way in through. I was sitting there checking the smelter to see how the glass was coming along when I was getting hit with arrows. Out of confusion I ran to a small cave I was working on and blocked myself in. I'd punch out a hole to see if I could see him. Nothing. Finally after not hearing or seeing anything, I mined a space to walk through and on the other side he was waiting for me. Ugh! Once I respawned I quickly ran back and tried to think of a plan. I remembered I had crafted a sword so I carefully snuck back to see what I could pick up without being seen. Luckily I found my sword. I equipped it and charged in, not knowing if I'd survive. After a few hits I finally dispatched him and stood there victorious!
I continued carving out my home in the side of the hill. During the day (when I would realize it was daytime) I'd continue building the upper level of my home, laying down the cobblestone I had mined during the night. I have glass walls to let in the light. It's only partially finished as I have to continue clearing out the rest of the hill so I can expand the upper level. Eventually I'll add a third, maybe a fourth. 
I finished my basement "aquarium". One wall is mostly glass. On the outside of that I carved out a cavern and finally punched through to the water above and got it to fill up. So now I can go down there and watch all the animals that got sucked down there - pigs, cows, sheep. Once in awhile I'll break the glass to let a few of them into the basement and quickly seal it back up.
As a side hobby I continue excavation further down wondering what I'll find. I'll carve out a cavern 10 across, then go back and dig down. So now I have this long hallway with high ceilings that descend down into the depths of the world. I also put a door to close off this excavation from the rest of the house should I uncover some cavern filled with more zombies. Last thing I want is my home inhabitable due to some nightmare I unleashed on the world.
I don't know what it is about this game, but it's got that "only a few more minutes" quality to it.