Stargate was good. Different but good if you watch it with the right mindset.
Its first quality is that it happens right now, in our world. Not 300 years in the future or something, which means you can relate to it more easily. The military aspect, the corrupt politics and secret agencies, the limited / backwards way in which they deal with alien technology. It is humanity making its first steps in space travel and first contact situations, accelerated by the stargate device. All of that while being the underdog of the universe, a hostile situation where a group of individuals and (mostly) the right choices make all the difference.
Sure it is not as outlandish and exotic as some other series, but that is exactly why I liked it, and exactly why it deserves its place in the big picture of scifi. It would be sad if all scifi series had the same flavor, diversity is good.
Stargate Atlantis was a step in the wrong direction... it became more "farscape-ish", the rainbow colored side of scifi... but still it was not so bad. Stargate Universe was another step back, they seem to try and give it a battlestar galactica-ish flavor with the struggle for survival and the focus on the interaction between characters... but the chemistry is all wrong (bad to horrible casting mostly, with too many bland/blah actors), and it is not exactly scifi in my book. They could as well be stranded on an island, it would not change much to the story. The selfish conspirator vs the naive vs the soldier, with a flock of sheep minded characters looking for leadership... Boring.