Umm? I'v mapped my controls nicely to my n52 and mouse (needed to put one macro on the mouse for the side button to jump).
My only real problem with this game is the sheer lunacy of the enemys spawning. Im only at the 4th heath level but I get a constant stream of rocket armed choppers at the same time as a billions of bullets from the never ending infantry. I've seen infantry spawn directly on the spot where and at the instant I shot the last one too. Its just dumb, walk 20m away from a base and the whole thing respawned. 
This almost ruins the game since it forces you into one kind of playstyle. When there isn't a a comm tower to blow anyway which seems to disable choppers. I don't even know what the other things do (gas lines, coronels and statues).
I run out of ammo with my main weapons faaar too quickly, theres no blood effect on your character or similar so you don't really know your being hit in the hail of bullets until you hear the heart beat. There isn't enough medpacks (small medpacks should drop from the enemies imo!).
If there wasn't as many enemies CONSTANTLY spawning I would use the grapple to kill them more, as it is I just try and kill them or run away as fast as possible.
Beyond that - the game is AWESOME. lol Its really fun - just completing the settelments is a great experince. You really get the progression feel with the fact all main pickups actually improve you, your guns vehicles, give you money or chaos and then you get a TICK! when its done. I've only put 17 hours into so far and thats only been doing the settelments (and I've only done about 20% of them, im at 8% game completion).
I just wish this game had Coop... oh how I would wail in enjoyment at this in Coop. If it did this would almost beat Saints Row 2 in fun.