BEHOLD! the glory of the Stardock booth at GDC!
Compare to the Penny Arcade Stardock booth, if you can find the pictures.
I felt the need to share.
It was a grand time
lol, plain "Stardock" text on a white sheet, on a nondescript booth in a generic looking location, thanks for sharing
How do I know that's the real booth? Anyone who works in a building with felt partitions could knock this up (I am being only half serious here, you know....)
Bloody pigeons......
With what appears to be an Autodesk booth next to it?
I know, its AMAZING! so much better than the PAX booth. With all that color and open space with computers and stuff. Don't miss that!
Curses...... fouiled again.......
I wonder if there's some kind of Helvetica joke in play here...
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