Senators Chuck U Schumer and Lindsay Grahmnesty have begun a new push for a National ID Card.
Anthony R,
There has been so much going on in politics lately, I missed this. Thanks for the article.
Our freedoms are being stripped from us by authoritarians on both sides of the isle and its dangerous.
I'm against national ID cards because inevitably we lose our right to privacy...It's one more way Big Government is surveilling us. They will be able to track everyone's movements and have knowledge of financial transactions.
I remember when Kennedy was pushing "efficiency" in Health care by having everyone's records digitalized...a national standard. According to him, the widespread use (first national, then global) of electronic data was gonna cut costs...all managed by the federal government of course. Ya, right. That's what we all want to do...give Big Government access to our most private records.
Audiafox posts:
Yeah I think the ID card is pretty much already a done deal, kind of like Social Security cards, though the switch from ID cards to microchips could be a long way off yet.
Yes, I think it's on the you said correctly...the new push for it.... They have been talking about the ID card and chip implant for some time. They frame the need for it under the safety category. It'll start out as a voluntary thing, then (like Obamacare) be mandated that everyone has it. First on a national level, then global. People are being systematically desensitized to it and all of a sudden we'll read somewherre they are putting them in babies before they leave the hospital.