Hungry Beast's take on Google, makes you think!
Been saying it for a long time now.... Google wants to know the ins and outs of your cat's arse so it can best target you with pet food ads... Kitty Kat varieties best suited to your feline.
Word has it that Google now wants to get into the waste management industry... and once it own the sewers, your excrement and other bodily waste will be analysed to see what you like to eat and drink, purely for the purpose of targetting you with grocery ads.
This owning the sewers thing is a double edged sword for Google, however, in that its medical care/pharmecueticals division can benefit from the analysis of your excretions. If you have consipation or diahorrea, Google will know about it... and you will be targetted with ads for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) treatments and other meds.
Thing is, while this can/could have a positive side - relief for your symptoms - there IS a HUGE downside. All this data... your personal medical details will be stored in Google memory banks for its search engine. So much for patient confidentiality... that's gone right out the window. For example, you ring your boss to say that you won't be in for a few days because of a stomach bug, then he does a Google search and fires you because the test result of your faeces/urine is clear and he's worked out that you're really at the cricket.
I mean, that's alright if you're an employer (see, more proof that Google is geared to the corporate world, bugger the little people), but workers will suffer, as will cricket and other sporting event attendances. Yup, crowds/audiences will be down... all thanks to Google. Can't see sporting venues and/or clubs supporting this latest Google venture, then.
Another thing, Googles bid to rival CNN News will also benefit from this technology. While other news services would be at a loss as to explain why a certain world leader is behaving erratically, Google News will authoritavely be able to say: "President ******* (name has been edited out to protect the innocent) is behaving erractically this week because he has the shits!"
While this may have its positive side, reliably informing the public and all that, there is also a down side to the dissemination of news gathered from Google's ever invasive, probing, wanting-to-know-it-all technologies. For example, through its excrement/urine analysis, Google has discovered a wife has been trying to slowly poison her millionaire husband to death, and she gets off scott free because he happens to see it on Google's 6 0'clock news: "Bitch tries to poison wealthy husband", and he dies of a heart attack instead.
And Google claims it isn't/does no evil.