Mass Effect 2 only has a basic disk-check for DRM. But it's a huge hit and sold two million units in it's first week of release (see link).
Unless you put on limited activations, tages, starforce, steam, and required server logons doesn't your game just get pirated and no one buys it, right?
The huge commercial success of this game tells another story.
Too bad no one at Ubisoft is listening. Or Blizzard. Or EA. Or THQ.
Same deal with a little game called 'Dragon Age: Origins'. Another huge-seller with basic DRM.
Hmmm, I see a kernal of a thought here....don't F#$K YOUR CUSTOMERS AND THEY BUY YOUR STUFF. Gee, what a good idea. Someone tell Blizzard. EA. Ubisoft. THQ.
Maybe the game press could grow a spine and tell people not to buy this draconian DRM crap. Nah. They're just go along. I subscribed to 'Computer Gamer' for ten years. When they had an eight page review of 'Spore' and DIDN'T EVEN MENTION THE LIMITED ACTIVATIONS I cancelled my subscription and NEVER BOUGHT ANOTHER ISSUE. It's time to vote with our dollars.