Part 2 ...
I live in a community of 50,000+ people.
Besides K-mart and Target who don't really stock video games, there are three other shop I can go to.
Two are of the same retail chain who specialize in just video games. The other is a huge retail shop/chain which dominate the Australian home market. You know the type beds,chairs,whitegoods,computers ect, and games.
The one I went to before was one of the video game shops. So I went downtown to the other and larger of the two to see if Demigod was down there ... Nope.
They told me, "yes we had a few copies but we sold out".
Great news I thought, but then I made the mistake of asking when are they going to get some more in.
"Sometime soon"
You don't know?
"We don't know what is on order"
Can't you check
"No sorry we don't have that information, but if you leave you name and phone number I can call you when it comes in"
No thank you! 
To me this is micro management gone crazy.
The other ,we have it all for your home shop, did have a number of Demigod games. I did ask if I come in later on and they have sold out could they get one in for me.
"Yes, no worries, we can get one in anytime if you like".
I know where I will be going if i can't buy a game online ... or need a new bed.