Mumblefratz yeah its all rep fualt hey? yeah...i mena never mind bus tried to set some oversite on the banks... which was shot down guessed it the Dems.
Hmm ... been drinking?
I generally don't comment on someone's spelling and grammar but yours seems unusually incoherent this evening, but no problem, your intent is easily discernable.
In fact your buddy Clinton ( I would assume you are a clinton lover for the simple fact your swinging off BO's you know what )
Actually I did like Clinton although not for the reason you mention. I’m basically a bottom line kind of guy. I do in fact understand that a president is not really responsible for everything that happens on his “watch” but that’s how I evaluate a president and a particular party’s performance. If times are good then I favor those in power, if times suck then I want to throw the bums out. A pretty simple concept that you should be able to understand even in your inebriated state.
as far as saying the bush was a rep... HAHAHAAAAAA
Call him whatever you like, after all it was you and people like you that elected him, twice.
Like supporting illegals? people having kids and not making a living but instead open their legs and pop out babies like a PEZ despenser? you have no problem with that?
Actually I’m very much against illegal immigration but I don’t think that we need to spend billions on the problem. The problem can be easily solved by fining companies caught employing illegal aliens $100,000 per illegal worker. If you started enforcing that policy this week there would be no illegal aliens in this country by next week and you wouldn’t need to build a fence or employ tens of thousands of border patrol agents. Problem solved.
YOU can pay my tab too mkay?
That’s OK. I’ll pay my taxes and you can pay yours. If you don’t care to then I’m sure there’s a nice cell waiting for you at Leavenworth. You might actually meet a better class of people that way.
I suppose your not in the top 5% that is gonna get raped in taxes either so you really dont give 2 hoots about it either.
According to the latest available data that I could find you need an AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) of at least $153,542 to qualify as the top 5% and on that basis I qualify by a comfortable margin (, Table 7).
Dont worry though... when you see your job cut dont come crying for I wont have no pitty for you whatso ever. Starve on the street for all I care for its people like you that dont see issues with gov spending that made you own bed.
Thank you for your concern but I actually have enough money to stop working tomorrow if I so chose. I certainly am not as well off as some here but my financial future is pretty much assured. How are you doing? I hope you’re not spending your entire paycheck on alcohol and scratch tickets.