they're constrained in that by tradition, public response
Traditional/Classic (or "mechanistic" management as opposed to more free flowing organic management) administration is being eschewed at most colleges now. The Public Administration accreditation is ensuring it.
In other words tradition is out, considered old school, yadda yadda. And since administrators here aren't accountable (technically) to the public..meaning can't be voted out and civil service makes it difficult to fire people...well ya see where I'm going with this?
Accountability will come I guess. It'll have too.
However, as the minister has the support of a federal or state-level party policy thinktank it's much more difficult for the PS to be as influential on a high policy level.
That's a nice distinction. There are think tanks here I guess...but we call them lobbyists...hahahaha.
I didn't know anything about Gov in Oz. I'll have to read up on it. You know some of the best ideas come from older countries who have gone through the administration issues. They don't have to be Democracies either, administration is one of those things that has to be done no matter the form of government...and with a little tweaking can be applied to all forms.
Something I think is hysterical..only because I didn't ever know it until recently, and always poo-pooed him... Al Gore, our former Vice Pres, was/is a brilliant administrator. He had a knack for getting rid of outmoded organizations that were no longer serving any purpose. And also was a great consolidator, to help cut red tape and get things moving. He was forward thinking and a go getter in the administrative world making significant contributions to govs efficiency in serving the public.
And the sad thing is?
Most people think he's only the global warming guy.
He was a much more successful administrator.