I just wondered how much of their inheritence (provided there's anything left for them *to* inherit, since the future is so uncertain right now) you'd think your kids should have to shell out upon your death?
If taxes keep going up we won't have to worry about what my kids will inherit.
This sort of thing really gets my goat, Jill, people who live a lifestyle unimaginably luxurious compa
red to us hoi-poloi, and then complain about what it's costing them.
What gets my goat, LW, is people who receive money from people who have worked there way up who sit back and judge them on what they spend their money on but think they shouldn't be judged on how they spend theirs.
In addition, those property taxes will maintain pot-hole free roads for you to drive on, the fine schools your children will attend, clean water, trash collection, and avail you of all the other amenities the county has to offer, so while those taxes *are* an expenditure (as opposed to an asset) it's not like you aren't getting anything for that expenditure.
It certainly does not maintain pot-hole free roads. A bunch of that money went/goes to Detroit (we're in the same county) to be squandered by the likes of Kwame Kilpatrick. For our $80k we get nothing more than what plenty of people in the county pay nothing at all for. Oh, and we get to pay the Detroit Zoo too whether we ever go or not.
And yes, a home, (any real estate, for that matter) is an asset
It is an asset but it is only worth what you can get someone to pay for it.
It almost sounds like you're seeking sympathy in regards to your property tax rate
I'm not asking for sympathy or anything else from anyone! I just want people to stop taking our money and then judging us on how we a) spend the money that we make and
that we don't pay society ENOUGH!