I have a problem updating my Gal Civ 2 game. the download to do so is greater than 400 megs. I cant afford high speed broad band
Is there a XXXX.ZIP or XXXX.ARJ file that I could download and use locally I cant tie up my phone for 4 days to update the game normally.
Would take that long at only 2.6 to 5.7 kb a second. tried to do it began last night at approx 10:00 Pm on 01/14/2009, Gave up on it at
10:30 AM on 01/15/2009 with only a 18.45 % complete download. At this speed Impluse will take approx 4.5 days to do a complete download
of the 400 meg file. that is if I can keep the connection for that long . which I cant. help would liek to update my game but this will be impossible
on my current rig. cant change the rig either is without the funds for that. have to make do with what I have.
(totally and permanentlt disabled according to SSA.) ((ANY Help Would be greatly Appreciated. ))