I've been thinking lately about why game producers show off wallpapers, and always put a large logo on it. For me, it completely ruins any use the wallpaper has - not only are the logos usually buttugly (sorry devs!) but it's just a piece of advertising I don't need on my own screen. If it was discrete, like a watermark type, I could understand it since it's a simple way to put your copyright on the picture. I just think that it would be better if people could say "wow, that's a cool picture, where did you get it?" instead of getting it shoved in their face often ruining the entire wallpaper. Let's be honest, 99% of the people who look at my desktop - well it's me. Marketing not needed (and I am one of those who think that marketing should always happen everywhere - but here it is a directly negative effect (yes, there is such a thing as bad marketing)).
Let's take the Demigod wallpapers as an example (found here: http://www.demigodthegame.com/downloads.asp ). There are 4 wallpapers, and one is just the logo.
The first of the other three ( http://www.demigodthegame.com/images/wallpapers/DG_Desktop_Rook_Concept_1920x1200.jpg ) has the logo in a different place than the thumbnail. As if that wasn't enough, the logo is actually covering a significant part of the demigod. No good.
The second one ( http://www.demigodthegame.com/images/wallpapers/DG_Desktop_TorchBearer_1920x1200.jpg ) has the logo in a better place, it still covers some units but it's not over the demigod. However, not only does the logo cover more than half of the horizontal space, the lightning on the logo is completely different from the theme of the wallpaper ruining the picture! No good.
The third picture ( http://www.demigodthegame.com/images/wallpapers/DG_Desktop_Rook_1920x1200.jpg ) is in my opinion the best solution, as the logo doesn't clash with the lightning, and it doesn't cover a significant part (still too large though!). The colours have been toned down on the logo, and it could _almost_ be mistaken for a sun. Not as bad as the others, but still...
Personally I am tremendously thankful that the background of the demigod website has no logo on it ( http://forums.demigodthegame.com/Themes/Demigod.v2/images/body.jpg ) which actually makes it useful.
Anyway... throw in your 50 cents. Does logos ruin using wallpapers, or am I being too sensitive about it? Do you use game wallpapers, and if you do what do you think about the logos?