Quoting ShadowMastiff2468,
[...]PS: I've never been able to add an avatar

As a heads up to everyone that can't add their avatar(s) even when the account settings
works: If you are using
Flash 10,
you cannot add an avatar. It's a known issue, but it does confuse some people that doesn't know about it. Use another computer with Flash 9 or somesuch, and it'll work fine.

The thing about karma is that it's dependent on what site you're viewing this from. For example this particular forum can be viewed from at least 5 sites (Demigodthegame, Galciv2, Impulsedriven, Sins, Stardock and I haven't checked out the Elemental site so I'm not sure about that one). Karma received from one forum doesn't appear to transfer over to another forum so while SoleSoul has 36 karma on the Galciv2 site (i.e. "here") he has 0 karma on the Stardock site. Similarly ShadowMastiff has 0 karma here (i.e. Galciv2) and the Stardock site while he has 31 karma on the Sins site.
Yep, works on Elemental. It's the only one I frequent (and consequently care about). The only ones here that have Karma is me (37) and Sole Soul (8) - on my screen, of course.
It's really somewhat a pity, since I feel that Karma is a relatively good gauge on what quality a poster is. It also determines the pecking order of wheter or not I can refer to you as plebes.