After picking up my son from school, I told him I was going to stop at the library because his sister has books that are due today, and we both have DVDs to return as well.
We ran inside of the library after finding parking, which took a few minutes longer than usual, apparently because of voter registration, and it being the last day in our state for voting registration, so many people were trying to get registered before 10pm tonight.
Anyway, my son said, "Who borrows books anymore mom, that is so ancient". I laughed out loud at this and reminded him that the library is still a very useful place and that I am very happy it still exists. Then I told him that just because he doesn't find anything interesting to read (which is amazing to me that he doesn't) it doesn't mean that someone else can't.
I got home and after running around for a bit, I sat down to watch Sex and the City the movie, for the third time...I'm a big fan! (I promise to send back the DVD Netflix!)
In one scene Big said to Carrie, " must be the last person in NY who still borrows books from the library..."
That made me laugh out loud again! First, I hadn't realised what Big said to Carrie before this (and this is the third time watching it - no connection!), [& re - the conversation with my son] and I can't believe they said that in the movie too!LOL
But seriously folks, are we, my little one and I, and Carrie the only ones who still borrow books (and now DVDs) from the library? It (the Library) is still useful isn't it? I do see so many people who do go to the library, not just school groups, or daycare classes or mommie and me folks with their kids, but grown ups use it too! I have noticed however the grown ups who do use it are there just for the use of the Internet as well as periodicals and/or magazines the library subscribes to!
Hmmm, I really can't imagine not having a local library anymore! I love books, and going to the library has always been one of my favourite past times, one I have introduced each of my kids to. My eldest still goes and borrows book, on her own now, especially for college. My son, he's another story! I do drag him there with us, trying to get him to read more. He is a good reader, an excellent one, in fact, but I keep reminding him [read: hammering in his head] how good it is to continue to read no matter how good you are, learning new words, developing his vocabulary, etc., etc., etc., etcetera! [I love the King and I!]
I'll still go to the libray no matter that I gave in and now rent from Netflix, and also buy books over the internet as well as at my fav bookstore, Waldenbooks/Borders, or peruse old books at thrift stores....Sigh....antiquated my ass..