I remember one of the Stardock crew was kind enough to point out that Sins was a bit like Total Annihilation but in space. Now I'm probably going to buy it anyway because its a Stardock title. But whats the deal here?Is it like Warcraft 3 or something, except with bigger Hero's?P.S I hated Warcraft 3, Warcraft 2 was a classic. But with W2 you created units and sent them to battle, you focused on the strategic situation. How the war as a whole played out rather than individual units. But Warcraft 3 meant you often had to forsake the strategic in favour of focusing your attentions on a individual character or two, who were really just 3xversions of a normal character. It really detracted from the overall command.Now if it is like Warcraft, but the demi gods are suitably overpowered that you don't need to baby sit the damg things it might be fine, or maybe I've misunderstood entirely and the game plays like something altogether else?
It's like DOTA, one of W3's custom maps (and most popular). I was/is a HUGE fan of DOTA. From what I've seen about Demi-god, it looks good and I've pre-ordered, but I must say I have my doubts.
That said, Demi-God looks like a fun game if you approach it without any expectations.