Let me say up front that I am a Conservative (a used to be Republican) and I am appalled at the apparent gullibility of many in the Republican Party. Yes, I am talking about the apparent support Senator John McCain has AS INDICATED BY THE POLLS AND PUNDENTS! Before I let into Mr. McCain, let me first say that I applaud his service to our country and the personal sacrifice he has had to endure at the hands of the Enemy. That being said, My Father was a war hero too. He was wounded many times; possessed half a dozen Purple Hearts, had 2 ships sunk from under him and saved the lives of many Sailors and Marines, you see he was a medic. He was a prisoner of war albeit not tortured to the extent was Mr. McCain. I was proud of him and I loved him dearly … But there is no way I would want him to be the President of the free world … and my Father didn’t flaunt the fact to curry favor.
I would like to ask Senator McCain only one question … “If elected to the Presidency, would you do everything in your power to curb the spread of socialism in this country”? I don’t think he would be able to or inclined to actually answer it. McCain has taken up the playbook of the Democrat liberals; you know the one perfected by the Clintons. It goes something like this; lie through your teeth and repeat it as much as possible and the pawns in the general herding pens will begin to believe it as true. All the candidates bend things to favor their endeavor, but I am hard pressed to figure out who has flat out lied more … The Hilda Beast and her docile mate or McCain.
Take a moment and consider the following (disregarding ALL of the issues of course):
When have you ever known the Democrat Party as a whole (not just to let it out of the bag) to actually tell the Republicans who their staunchest opponent would be … NEVER! Not only their pundits are doing this, but the actual candidates themselves are too ... NEVER! In all honesty, the Liberal elites don’t think there are people anywhere, let alone one bearing the Republican label, that has the remotest possibility of beating them regardless who their candidate will be. They cannot help it because they present the air that they are infallibly incapable of wrongdoing.
There should be no doubt in whose bag the drive by media scurries for favor, and you cannot find a media outlet anywhere (including FOX News) who has not taken up the banner in favor of the McCain travesty that is unfolding before us right now. All the same pollsters that are placing McCain far in the forefront as our only hope, are the same ones that had Ron Paul winning every single Republican debate … EVERY ONE of them! Hummm … room for thought here?
Almost to a person, everyone who has endorsed McCain adheres to the open border/amnesty scenario and/or the manmade global warming scam. I have never seen such an overt gathering of RINO support before this debacle began unfolding. Besides being strong on the war against terrorism (???), what else has McCain supported this decade that could be considered Conservative … there must be something there but I cannot think of anything at all? Until of course he began his run for President.
McCain was morally broken by the enemy (as would any in his place) and I for one do not want my President to be a broken man. Something is lost when this happens and there is no way to tell when or where this loss will present its ugly head. Just look at McCain’s attitude towards prisoners of war or enemy combatants or moderate information gathering techniques (like water boarding, etc.) and still he claims to be strong on the war. How does this strong war on terror attitude incorporate an open border/amnesty position?
Can you actually be so naive as to believe that the liberals seemingly supporting McCain will actually vote for him when it is he against the REAL predetermined socialist candidate … Hillary … The selection of the Democrat candidate has for all practical purposes has been taken out of the hands of the people and is now under the control of the elitists through their ‘super delegates’. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Barack Hussein Obama captures the people’s majority vote but still looses to The Hilda Beast and her cohart in crime.
It goes without the need for comment when you factor in the actual truth, facts and past actions. If McCain ends up going against the Democrat to be, you will see such a turnaround in support from those currently propping him up. You just wait and see the attacks over his lack of anger management, senior citizen status, his flip-flops (even though they were in support of the liberal cause), and his warmongering attitude to mention just a few. In all honesty, I just cannot vote for McCain. He is incapable of running the government and hasn’t a snowballs chance in hell of coalescing the Republican Party back to its Conservative roots … because he doesn’t have any himself!