For a school assignment, I'm collecting a bunch of one liners. Stuff like: I can call spirits from the vasty deep. / Why, so can I, or so can any man. But will they come when you do call for them?
I'd refine that down to:
I can call spirits from the vasty deep
But will they come when you call?
So far, I have the following... anyone have anything to add?
I am always right, except when I'm wrong.
The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, my side, and the truth.
"And these .. these phrases you keep speaking in. They don't make any sense."
"Ah, you seek meaning?"
"Then listen to the music, not the song."
"We are already, as you so quaintly put it, going straight to hell. We can not escape what's coming."
"Maybe not, but there's nothing wrong with taking a good ahead start."
"I apologize. I'm .. sorry. I'm sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a
station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to
hell. .. As with everything else, it's the thought that counts."
"Well, who wants to live forever?"
"I do, actually. But what the hell.
"No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.
"I told you, Delenn, they will not speak to you."
"Then they will listen to me. I served the Council for 16 cycles. I was the chosen of Dukhat to replace him. I held him when he died. His blood is on my
hands, his spirit in my eyes, his word on my lips. You will step aside in his name and mine, or .. in Valen's name, I will tear this ship apart with my
bare hands until I find them. Move aside."
Too much intermarrying I suppose. I always say: 'When you reduce a family tree to a family bush, you just can't hide as much beneath it.'"
On grief: He wished I would not shoulder such a weight, but if I must it should be in a sturdy pack and not loose in my arms. So it would be behind you,
but still with you, and would not obscure your vision.
And just one more thing. On your trip back I'd like you to take the time to learn the Babylon 5 mantra: 'Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova.
I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out.' Babylon Control
out. .. Civilians! [Looks up] I was just kidding about the God part -- no offense.
"Who am I? I'm Susan Ivanova, Commander, daughter of Andrei and Sofie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is gonna kick your sorry
ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart. I'm death incarnate and the last living thing that you're ever going to see. God sent me."
Damn the rules!
Believe me, we've tried!
-Hell, talking to itself
There is no such thing as just a cat.
To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under the sun.
I'm trying to track one down about how anything good that is done is done in gods name, anything evil is done in the name of the devil...