I wish I had more interest in coding. Yours is exactly the sort of company I'd like to work for. I spent years doing mod work for Quake (and various other fps titles), and even more years picking apart design (and competing heavily online) for dozens of games, but I've never been interested in coding enough to do more than make small mods for games, or organize teams of people to work on mods.
Discussing the intricacies of game balance, design, numbers, and what's fun? Yes. Hashing out development plans, media requirements, and release plans? Yes. Working with programmers and artists? Yes. Coding myself? Meh. I know just enough to talk basics with the coders, go back and forth with the non coders, and hack around in most games, but pure coding just doesn't interest me. In this case, I wish it did, I've been following Stardock for quite some time, from newsgroups to released games to your forums, you've always treated your community well, and done your game maintenence in a classy manner.
But since I don't, I'm writing strategy guides for games instead of designing them

Meanwhile I can continue to swear when rts devs don't ape Kohan, and fps developers wear that WW2 rut and CS clone trench into the dirt...
I'm actually going to ask a friend if he'd be interested though, he IS a skilled c++ programmer, loves .net, and has worked with me in the past on a myriad of gaming mod related projects in a coding capacity. If I can't apply, maybe he can...
I actually asked two .net/c++/other language coders if they'd be interested, but they're both currently working in well paid positions, and the location of your company was pretty much a dealbreaker for them