New bug 1 - Unscrollable window
Can't reproduce this on a consistent basis. I've had it happen 4 times in a single skirmish game vs a comp while bug hunting.
Was using scvs. Built a few things. Was mass shift click + building. With two different groups of scvs.
Screen became locked. I could not scroll around the map anymore. I had to double click on a hotkey'd number that was assigned to a unit to leave. Then i could scroll again.
New bug 2 - SCVs are retarded
Can't reproduce this on a consistent basis.
I had was playing around with different groups of scvs. They were grouped. Ungrouped. Different hotkeys.
They've all been given the command to build this. Yet some won't. Not only that, you can't give them other commands. (you can eventually unstick them but it takes a bit of effort of selecting some and degrouping etc etc).

a second example
New bug 3 - SCVs are so retarded
This was during the campaign. It is worse than the above example. (although it also includes the above example - whereby only 1 of the 6 here are building).
I had 9 scvs.
I broke them into 3 groups of 3.
The 3 on the right, used to be a part of the group with the one building.
The bottom 2 groups just sat there being retarded not building (except for 1).
Not only that. And far worse. the 3 that were off the screen and are no longer grouped, kept coming back to work with the one that was building...
The 5 retards just dont take orders.

New Bug 4 - Graphical Glitch - Missing amplifier

Both are identical nodes. Both have had an amplifier added. Both have had 3x powerups added. (you can see the income and addons are identical in the bottom circles). On screen one shows the amplifier. One doesn't.
New Bug 5 - Graphical Glitch - Factory Colour Glitch
I am yellow. My factory is not.

New Bug 6 - Continue construction can fail.
Happens in some locations only. (default skirmish map, 3rd spot to the right of the node in this pic)
I right click on the half built building. Yet it counts as a move command, even though it is clearly within the bounds of the building. I think this only occurs if there is a hill slope on the side??? not sure.
Had this happen a few times, where i think i've told something to continue construction and it doesn't.
ie I have an scv on the front line building defences. An enemy wave is incomming and will kill it. So I shift click away, then back onto it to finish construction. And later i come back and it had left and returned, but did not finish construction as expected.

New Bug 7 - Can never claim nodes
Halee and myself are both at this node. It will reach 100% for me. Then reset and start the count over again.
Expected Outcome:
A- whoever was first gets it.
B- whoever has the most units there gets it.
Either is fine. Making it impossible to obtain unless someone moves away is stupid.

another example
We shall all attempt to claim this node until the end of time.