The premise pushed by Barnicle & Joe that Trump is trying to 'de-legitimize the judiciary' is BS, completely bogus - to build this mountain of outrage over the molehill of a figure of speech decrying a judge's clearly unconstitutional and legally threadbare decision is absurd, but then, the Left. If Trump really wanted to mount a campaign to de-legitimize the judiciary, you'd know it. Publicly objecting to a decision is not an attempt to thwart or de-legitimize 'the judiciary'. Just ask Obama (Citizens United). The left loved it when he lambasted and attempted to humiliate the SCOTUS. So cry me a river over an effing tweet.
That aside, I'm with Sasse all the way. He's a very articulate & solid guy.
And isn't it awesome to see the left awaken to the Constitution, to the harm tribal/identity politics & the notion of 'resistance' does, and to the virtues of a Ben Sasse? For that, we can thank Donald Trump.