Jafo, do you really believe this stuff. Its disappointing if you do because you have such a high level of intelligence.
Sadly, being 8000 miles away from the US and we still have to endure the bullshit that is the US Presidential Elections....and what makes it over here as 'news' means the rest of the World outside of the US is only going to Laugh if/when Trump is elected. For many it will just reinforce established opinions regarding just how parochial and insular the US really is.
Possibly a more self-conscious entity might fantasize that prohibiting such factions as the KKK might actually be seen as a 'good thing'.
Instead other countries [Oz included] are getting all Fascist/Nationalist in the name of 'Pride'.
Sure...you ONLY have 13.5% of population not born in the US so it's probably meaningless to you.....but places like Oz with 28% of the population actual Immigrants [not born here] maybe we're a little more aware [mostly] that creatures in white pointy hats are as bad as any home-grown extremist/terrorist with their innate anti-social behavior.
I know it's a fact no-one in the US ever liked Obama...and refused to admit they'd ever voted for him [if they did] but to the entire rest of the world he's been seen as better than just about any President since Kennedy.
It wasn't just 'Black America' who may have felt some form of 'relevance' finally, but the World didn't feel like 'that super-power' was just the Yang to the USSR's Ying.
So....the News outside of the US has lines like..."KKK endorses Trump" and "Putin endorses Trump" at which stage we say "Fuck Trump".
So....Clinton is a putz with emails....whoopee-do.
If I were voting I'd vote for the lesser of 2 idiots.