Okay, here's a new link:
For those who would like to mod it themselves, it requires editing 3 files.
Add the following to each hull type you'd like to modify:
XX = whatever amount to add to each ship's base repair rate; note that all ships start with a base repair of 1 (in GalCiv3GlobalDefs.xml).
Change the following entry:
Change Flat to Multiplier, and adjust <Value> to whatever you'd like. A <Value>1</Value> doubles the repair rate, 3 quadruples, etc.
Exactly the same as with the Shipyard; find the StrategicRepair entry, change to Multiplier, and adjust BonusType to your preference.
And that's all there is to it. If you have any more questions, let me know. Been busy lately, but I'll try to check in periodically.