Would it mean too much of an effort to give this site more updates from part of the developers? The dev team is not too big if I am right, so this could be unfeasable but I stop by every day, sometimes more often, and it seems that time is standing still. Nothing much happening in the vault either. I have to admit that I sport a rather impatient kind of mindset and maybe it's too early in the developing stage to present new stuff frequently but maybe there is a solution that is good for everybody.
What about having an official update day? Let's say update friday. There could be an official update every friday that everybody can look forward to. If you don't have anything to tell just give us another screenshot or a little audio file.
Another idea would be a series like 'daily screenshot' (as in 'a screenshot a day keeps boredom away').
You see, I am not talking about big things, just small treats 
You got me exited about this game, even to the point of upgrading to the Founder's Liftetime Editon, and now the exitement has to be fed 
It would be interesting to know, by the way, how many people have joined the Founder's Program.