I've been modding for only a few days, but I've uploaded a fair bit to the Nexus but it struck me that this forum probably has the larger base of frequent members so i've decided to make a topic about the mods I've made here.
Otherworldly Allies
This mod adds an ability called "Otherworldly Allies" when creating a faction, that unlocks new units based on whether your faction is Empire or Kingdom.
Empires get the demonic units that this mod allowed, whereas Kingdoms get elementals as well as Lightbringers.
The mod also adds a new quest, called "The Avatar of Fire" which will grant you a new demonic champion upon completion. He might be a little overpowered, let me know what changes to make to him.
If you want to add this ability to a CoS faction, open the raceconfig file for that faction, and add
Construct Soldiers
This mod is in response to a request, and I thought it was a pretty cool idea.
This mod adds a new ability that allows you to train various construct or golem units when selected at Faction creation.
If you want to add this ability to a CoS faction, open the raceconfig file for that faction, and add
Trainable Wargs
This mod allows you to train Timber Wargs and Shadow Wargs with the Warg Riding technology. No ability needed, all factions get them.
Special Units - Train Juggernauts and Iron Golems
In Legendary Heroes, one of my favorite units is the Juggernaut, but I hate playing as the Trogs because I find them ugly. So I rectified this issue.
I also liked the Iron Golems, but felt that they were somewhat underpowered. Now there is a seperate ability to train Iron Golems, and the golems that you gain from this ability have Overpower.
In the faction editor, you can now select the ability "Train Juggernauts" which will allow you to train Juggernauts upon acquisition of the Weaponsmithing technology. "Build Iron Golems" unlocks Iron Golems upon the acquisition of the Blacksmithing technology.
The Juggernauts and Golems in this mod also have the ability Overpower, which multiplies their damage by the amount of enemies in a group. This is to justify the faction point but I may upload a version without if anyone asks for it.
If you want to add this ability to a CoS faction, open the raceconfig file for that faction, and add
Wildland Allies
I love the larger units in this game, the Trolls and Ogres. I was happy that there was a tech that allowed you to obtain them, but I didn\'t like how it required camps.
Big Update: The Giant units (Trolls and Ogres) no longer have overpower, they now have an invisible item that is automatically equipped that makes them stronger based on the maximum group size available to you. They are now actually the equal of groups of trained soldiers, potentially even better because they can be customised with Juggernaut abilities such as Brutal Nature and Maul (God help us.) This also means that rather than just have an increase in stats, the giant units actually grow in size to reflect the grow in power.
This mod adds an ability "Wildland Alliance" that allows you to train various "wild" units.
Without any techs, you can train Wildings, they are weak but very cheap and easy to build. They can also be designed.
Warg Riding allows you to train Warboars, and also give any unit a Warboar mount in the unit designer.
Wildland Allies gives you basic trolls and ogres.
Having Wildland Allies AND Weaponsmithing will allow you to train Troll Warriors.
Having Wildland Allies AND War Colleges will allow you to train Bone Ogres.
All of the new units, except for the War Boars, are fully designable.
If you want to add this ability to a CoS faction, open the raceconfig file for that faction, and add
Shrill Master
This mod adds an ability selected at faction creation that allows you to train Shrills and Shrill Lords with the Arcane Mastery and Book of Mastery techs respectively.
When a specific shrill is unlocked as trainable, it can also be given as a mount in Unit design. The exception to this is the Shrill Lord, who will appear in shops in your faction to buy, and can then be given to a champion or your sovereign.
Champions from factions that have the Shrillmaster ability gain the spell "Tame Shrill" which allow you to convert a shrill to your army much like you would do with the Beast Lord ability. This only works on Shrills.