I'd very much enjoy a world map, elect the President of Earth and such. It would be difficult, sure, with over 192 countries to compete for (perhaps exclude or simply group together the oceanic states?).
Once you know how to map, its really easy, so creating a president of earth map wouldn't be difficult at all. would probably take me 3 or 4 hours; I will be uploading a tutorial of how to map, once i get over the fact that I am one of the only people who know how right now
. I'll put it on my list of ideas however, and see if I can throw together a quick map later. (later is relative to now, not necessarily "today " - in my timezone.)
Another cool mod would be a progressive "campaign" starting with the very first United States election, and with each victory moving on to the next year adding and altering the map as it occurred in history. 270towin.com has progressive maps of the United States elections going all the way back to 1789, and I just figure it would be fun to play out each map (although Washington would clearly need an opponent in 1789 (King George perhaps? lol) as would Monroe a proper one in 1820).
although I really like this idea, I can't do a progressive campaign at the moment. There are a few bits missing, such as the menu option to select a campaign which was in the 2008 version. If they stick that menu button back in, I'd be able to create campaigns because all the pieces are there at the moment. sorry.
Other ideas include a Mexican election map, as well as (and included with the former) a mode which would allow for third party candidates to run against the two establishment. This would REALLY make the game interesting, in my humble opinion =]
I would love a third candidate, and would literally get on my knees and beg stardock to add this capability; however it would be a bit of work for them, graphically especially, as the UI is designed for 2 parties, and there would be a lot of menus to change to add a third party. In theory I guess if you got desktopX you could attempt to fix this yourself, but I have had mixed luck with editing those files, and ended up deciding it wasn't worth the hassle. I would like a third candidate because I am planning a lot of "total conversions" to different, new, maps of different countries. Some of these countries, such as my UK mod, have a lot of possible parties, and cutting down to 2 is a shame, even cutting down to 3 or 4 would be a shame.
As for Mexican election, that is very possible. Adding new maps to the game has become very easy after creating the mapping for my UK mod, It probably takes me between 5-15 mins per state, depending on the size of the complexity of the state. I also plan on doing some other mods such as:
- Finishing up the UK mod ( just have to change the endorsements and fix the random crash issue)...(...and make the candidates)
- Race for Mayor in "_____" < city undecided, probably new york to begin with
- Australian election
- French election
- Canadian elections
- Russian elections?
- President of the world mode
and a lot more that I can't remember off the top of my head (got them written down somewhere).
There are a few limitations at the moment, for example, any mod that i make, completely replaces the USA on the game. I've contacted stardock in hope that they will allow a function for me to add alternative scenarios for the player to select, like in 2008 version. That way, players could load any one of these modes up
I also can't change the currency, it has to be in $ which annoyed me at first, but I'm over it now
. $ is the universal symbol for money, and everyone recognises is. Realism isn't really the aim in a game like this either