Beta 3 has a lot of cross-path technology unlocks, doesn't it? Do you want more? Less? Structured differently?
What I mean with more and surreptitious cross-path technologies I have outlined ad nauseum elsewhere (linked above). In general, however, I would have liked to have a system by which the majority of breakthroughs yield multiple interconnecting triggers, such as:
- gives a small global bonus (e.g. +x% to trade income, +x% chance to dodge for all melee units in army, +x% chance to recruit heros in forest tiles, etc.) AND
- unlocks a specific item / building / ability / or spell (e.g. can create longbows, can build bath houses, can earn or train the "shield wall" ability, can cast Viable Position if magic requirements XZY are met, etc.) AND
- has at least one synergetic component (with some sort of bow tech, if "advanced adventuring" is also researched, all archers get +2 vs. animals, and if "lore of the ancients" is also researched, all archers get +1 initiative in swamps, etc.; or with some form of life magic if "advanced diplomacy" is also researched, one can learn to cast a "charm humanoid" spell, and if "advanced animal lore" is also researched, one can learn to cast "charm living entity" spell, etc.) AND SOMETIMES
- sometimes an additional prerequisite might be required for certain additional bonuses to become applicable in-game, e.g. having X numbers of Y shards, owning X numbers of Z buildings, etc. affects the bonus of the breakthrough given
I'd much like to see dynamic effects in game have a larger impact on events this way, and it would also increase variability a bit.
Quoting onomastikon,
reply 58
- Optional Victory Points on Strategic Map (selectable in Game Setup). I've posted on this numerous times as well, let's just leave it at "holy sites" that can be captured and held; could be tied into life / death magic if need be. Otherwise: tiles which are exceptionally well-protected by neutrals, provide the tile owner with a built-in penalty (yes, the opposite of a bonus, so keeping these long term has drawbacks), be these the chance of being attacked from another plane or a global curse being cast or mana drain or money drain or require human sacrifice in terms of prestige or whatever, and if you have X of these in your ZoC, you win by Holy (or Unholy) victory. Another way to Make Strategic Terrain Matter more.
that. is. AMAZING.
Thanks. I have been posting things like this since 2009, but it has sadly not quite caught the attention of the masses.
One last thing I'd wish for:
10. An option toggle in Game Setup which lets you change the default Hero Death from reincarnation in capital with wounds to PermaDeth. I really, really, really dislike the way champions are functionally immortal, I'm fine with all of you loving that, I'd just love the option to turn it off.