you want to remove what makes a game "unique", i.e. randmoness
I absolutely disagree
please leave it as it is
options then it is, I want a choice, not a limited to random that cause no fun to play game. I do not trust random, should I keep restart game every time till I want? Random turn me off.
Edit: random don't make game unique, many option gameplay is what make game unique
Edit 2: Said is there nation had this rule of random said one nation had navy but they are not allowed to build a army, other nation had allow to build a army but not allow to build navy, it's same as I feel about spell, it's silly, every nation seek to get all and best of all they can get. not follow rule of Random.
Edit 3: How can limited choice of spell can be unique? It's don't make unique, not only that, it's make more mage a good chance useless, limited choice of spell, but not alway work on enemie while fighter alway work on enemie, it's like a random, you can't get sword in tree but you might get mace, do you think you like that random if tech tree deny you gave you sword? or if you want mace, but random deny you a a mace? How would you feel? Would that fun factor for anyone if that happan to anyone? How about armor? random might gave you plate but next game you can't get plate and not on tree? How about a Inn? you can't build a Inn due to random? How about a wall? or archer even that matter? maybe random deny you building a archer, you had no way to get it unless you restart game till it's gave you archer but ther thing might you want but deny? Indeed it's drive you madness and no longer fun to play if that happan when rule set? Even silly garden, every city in real word had those, duh it's food for everyone and medice as well. Don't know why we had to pick those level up when it's should come with it? I wonder war of magic is much better than this game?