So glad to see you back on the boards, MG, and that you're doing so much better.
May your continuing recovery be swift and complete.
As fer them thar bankers, us ought ter strip 'em of a pound o' flesh fer ev'ry gold sovereign they stoled.
Arrrr, now thar'd be a treasure worth comin' out o' dry dock fer.... a banker's booty, that be fer shure
Why I'd even strap on me eye patch agin fer one o' those... not that I needs it, but it makes I look more fearsome when I be pillagin' on tha high seas.
starkers has been nutz for years.
Aye, me ol' saw bones, it 'appened right after I met ye, an' I doubts I'll ever be tha same agin.
Must admit, tho, I be a 'appier pirate fer knowin' 'e.