Lets take a look at the other dota based moba's and look at the strengths and weaknesses in comparison to demigod. I know a lot of things have already been said....
Why demigod is the best Moba:
1. Zoom & Rotate. When playing other games this is the one physical mechanic i miss the most. Im surpised Epi was the first one to mention this. (This is also the reason i didn't play LOL lol)
2. Citadel Upgrades, this feature is just awesome and forces teams to invest in their team. It would be great to have more viable choices in DG2, eliminate the unused ones, and re-balance some of ones that are left. If you decide to do a patch, it would be nice to have splash damage working correctly. Thanks Frogboy for adding this mechanic to the game!
3. Controllable minions for generals. However they need a serious boost of adderall / ritalin in DG2, they should stay put when parked and not wander off. Also, it would be great to totally fix them getting stuck in the citadel in a patch. If i remember correctly they were greatly improved in the last patch. Also their turning rate was changed in the last patch. This actually didn't work very well. They only turned slowly when they were player controlled, when their ADDHD kicked in they turned rapidly making them more challenging to control.
4. The Graphics. Hey, we're PC users, not console noobs. A lot of us love the eye candy and demigod is a beautiful game. Please don't change that. Watching the citadel grow though-out the game was cool as well. The current maps could probably have been done in 3ds Max with similar quality instead of granny. A lot of people who would create community maps could easily get their hands on Max. (Students can even get a legit 18 month license for free). At a minimum just see if the game engine can support map creation from alternative programs (e.g. Stardock / GPG does the maps in Granny, but the engine allows for blender / max from the community etc.) This could also make the Studio maps look a lot better than community maps.
5. The fog of war. The fog of war is only in enemy controlled territory, which is the way it should be. I love being able to see our side entirely. Yea another Dota clone allows for ganks because of fogged paths that are in your territory, and thats one of the many reasons that game sux.
6. Tower health regen - please don't lose this.
7. Music - this was mentioned before, but this is one of the best game soundtracks ever created, it may be even better than master of magic lol.
8. Character depth - Demigod has the best character depth of any Moba, we all know this. It would be great to see some of the same characters in DG2 (well maybe just Oak lol). It would be nice to have a publisher provided hot coffee mod
but i digress. Anyways, the build choices for each character are a lot of fun.
9. Point controls. Having the flag points to control made this game more like chess than anything else. This is something that shouldn't be lost. Maybe throw in a castle to make Polynomial happy. Call it a Polycastle where the hot coffee mod could be used.
10. The pace and speed of the game. This was great and again, added to the strategy of the game. Other dota clones make it more of a twitch or skillshot game, which again, is another reason why they are inferior.
11. Limited Demigod selection. Having 75 shitty demigods doesn't make for a good game 
12. Lack of micro-transactions. I like being able to purchase the game, or any game for that matter, outright.
13. Pantheon tournament. Great idea, however some of the issues need to be fixed. Also, ending the tourney on a weeknight that way it's not down over weekends.
Things that could be improved with DG2 (in comparison to other Moba games)
1. Netcode
2. Reconnecting upon dropping
3. Time-out for quitting a game before conceding, maybe have an escalating scale based on (# of times / X amount of time) eg. 3 times in 1 day = 15 minute time-out. Somehow there will have to be a way to tell the difference between quitting and lagging out.
4. Blind demigod selection.
5. ranked & unranked custom games
6. Better balance between armor stacking, health stacking, critical hits & dodge.
7. Being able to customize individual demi-gods outside of the game (e.g. skins, minor boosts etc.)
8. Being able to pick your favor item prior to entering the game.
9. Microtransactions. Being old now, I would love the option to buy everything outright, however the use of microtransactions would grow the community. This would be the demo as well. Perhaps offer the client for free, 1 rotating demigod per week for free, $60 for paying for the base game outright ($5 per demigod - 12 demi's), and expansion packs for continued development of items, skins etc. Expansions could be micro'd as well. Playing for XP to earn items is a nice feature too.
10. Complete statistical tracking. Items used, skills selected, demigod selections, cit upgrades, most used demigod selections etc.
12. Continued support of community run tourneys, corporate sponsored and run "pro" tourneys.
13. Perhaps appoint a panel of prominent players that would interface between the inevitable toxic community and the devs. Kids these days have no respect lol. The panel could prioritize balance issues, coordinate tourney's etc.
14. Inviting friends to play in lobby.
15. An emphasis on more 3v3, 4v4 maps.
16. A GPG/SD website similar to demigoddb
Anyways, demigod is one of my favorite games of all time, I'm looking forward to DG2.