That snarky nice reply hardly certainly confirms your evasiveness wisdom - not.
All I did was make my words simpler as you expressed some trouble with big words. What you did was change all the meanings .. and that makes you wise some how?
10Dr Guyon Feb 08, 2011As I see it, what is transpiring in Egypt is a direct result of American Imperialism Please cite examples of American Imperialism. And do not use words unless you understand their meaning.
What a mess I find myself in … was it something I said. All I was trying to do was agree with TonyR, guess that was a mistake huh. It was Dr. Guy who started this mess with all but the best of intentions with his comment “Please cite examples of American Imperialism. And do not use words unless you understand their meaning.” I am sorry but was there something constructive here? The rest of the very same partial sentence you quoted give you one example of what I thought on the subject “As I see it, what is transpiring in Egypt is a direct result of American Imperialism as we have a nasty history of backing dictators around the world … “ Later I was getting tired so I posted this in case it was the definition part of your request that was bothering you.
American = American (USA)
Imperialism: = (Expansionism) expanding a country's economy or territory increasing its control = (Empire-building) getting more power for your organization, without caring about whether this is good for the organization or the people = (Colonialism) a policy in which a country rules other nations and develops trade for its own benefit = (Interventionism) political interference or military involvement by one country in the affairs of another = (Domination) control that is anything but voluntary.
Did not seem to be the solution so … Next I tried to tell you this was not where I wanted to be and I asked you to come to my blog where we could devote the time to go into “conspiracy theory” and whatnot … not good enough it seems. Then you come up with this winner “A lot of words that did not answer the challenge. Again, cite the examples of American Imperialism. I care not one whit for the government or trust it as far as I can throw it. But that is immaterial to the question at hand,” Is that what this is all about your idea of a challenge, would help if you let me in on it. The question at hand concerned India and I endeavored to keep it there. I did not know there was a list to cite?
In a later post In frustration I wrote “I suppose we could discuss some of the dictators around the world who thrived under the auspices of the US Government. We could discuss the Jackals and many other Government hit men who cheat countries around the world of Trillions. We could discuss Panama or Venezuela or North (or south) Korea or Vietnam or Iraq or Iran or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or the whole continent of Africa etc. ... but not here on someone else’s dime.
At this point, I do not have a clue as to what you want out of me. And after it is all done and over with, you make another post “You still have not answered the question. it was raised here, and should be addressed here. The OP does not seem to mind the tangents the comments take, and until HE does object, I see no reason to move it to another venue. Seemingly you do not … But I do and I have repeatedly tried to impress this point on everyone. You see as much as you want to force the issue … I have the other half of the say and as you seemingly have not read or do not understand any of the previous statements I have already made, I have no reason to think that you will start believe anything more I have to say on the subject. What's the point?
“And I did not make the claim of imperialism. So I have to find out your examples before I can agree or disagree. Your continued reluctance to show them (anyone can go to dictionary dot com and pull up the definition of imperialism, that was not what was asked) indicates perhaps you over reached with your denunciation of America. We all make mistakes,. Charles made a beaut on who invented the light bulb. Unlike you, he was quick to admit it and we all had a good chuckle over it”
You did make the statement and the only reluctance I showed was my failure to write a thesis on the subject for your picking. You are a pompous old fart Dr. as I have NEVER EVER said anything about The denunciation of America (WHICH was YOUR MISGUIDED ASSUMPTION) I have and repeatedly will continue to fight against our faulty Government (dominated with the virtues of a rock and abounding with the joys of agony) and you would share this malevolence with the world around us, how nice. When I am wrong I will readily admit it, but I will be damned if I will sit here and allow you to try and make a mockery out of me and all because you were too stupid to ask me what I meant and you assumed wrong. Especially since I have been trying to comply with what I continue to view as stupidity. This could have been so easily avoided in you had presented your real grievance in the beginning … instead of the END!
And then all the moon bats started in just to add their two bits, oh how fun