I'm still playing it, but it needs some serious patching too. Between Elemental and Civ5, I am going to start waiting about 3 months before I buy a new strategy game.
Amen, at least when it comes to Stardock. I bought Elemental in the preorder deal and got the Limited Edition. Not only did I have to fight tooth and nail to just get it sent to me (several weeks after actual release) its been mostly unplayable. Even in its current state its just not much of a game. Beta had a better UI than the current game, that pretty sad.
If I had waited to buy the game I could have gotten it for 5 bucks, thats how much I see it for at a few used book store chains. That's new copies mind you, stores are already dumping the product. I think Stardock must take advice from Peter Molyneaux, over promise till your eyes bleed and then just ship whatever you the hell you feel like shipping. Patch it later if there is enough outcry. Although at least Molyneaux's games dont crash to desktop for the first 2 weeks or so.
1.1 in September huh... guess they meant Sept 2011. Oh well at least Civ 5 is a great game.