Here's some stuff I was hoping would be in the game but doesn't look like it will make it.
1) Living world where NPC's and monster spawn in natural ways and have somewhat complicated behaviors (they did some stuff with this but want much more)
2) Quests that have us explore dungeons, nothing complicated just a more complicated tactical battle
3) More involved quests - they are all pretty simple from what I've seen so far. Was hoping for something like in the new King Arthur game
4) Different materials for weapons/armor - a fantasy game with only iron? Sorry something feels wrong. Should have mithril, adamatine etc (or some lore specific types) and should be able to enchant them with spells.
5) Big differences in races/factions - difference aren't big enough for me, kingdoms feel to similar. May change in the coming weeks but think it will fall way short of what I imagined
6) Item creation/enchantment for heroes
7) Terrain being important for building - right now it is a simple can build or can't build here. Terrain should be important
8) Overland forts/watchtowers
9) Damage types - heard this may be planned but haven't heard anything in a while
10) Large battles with units - right now the battles feel very small, was hoping for a more Total war feel but turn based
11) More interesting races - would be cool to have flying races, races that swim, races with multiple arms, races like centaurs, etc. Races currently aren't interesting but I think they aren't finished yet.