does dick cheney qualify as an outstanding conservative
Can't say for sure, never really tried to get to know the guy.
an outstanding republican
If by that you mean standing out then I would say yes considering you wrote not 1 but 2 articles about him, especially when your appearances on JU are almost about as often as New Year Day comes around.
and human being
Well based on the definition of "human being" I would have to say yes as well unless this definition has been changed and I don't know about it.
I'm not a cheerleader for Cheney, but he isn't afraid to speak his mind, which drives liberals nuts. Oh, and did I mention Cheney drives liberals nuts, which is enough for anyone to like him.
When articles like these are created about people who, according to Democrats, are not threats (like Sarah Palin), makes you wonder why do they fear that which does not, supposedly, threaten them.
Sounds like someone has a little dick envy
Sounds about right. He seems to like Dick
since he has 2 articles in a row about Dick.
Because he never makes sense.
What you are really trying to say is that you are incapable of understanding him. See how easy your own words can be used against you?