so...that's your answer to my question about the reason obama was being referred to as "obammy"?
It was more a reply to the point about black presidents and racism.
My point was that a black president is not above ignoring the plight of Africans, i.e. actually oppressed black people.
actually i'm also interested in your take on a proposition frequently put forward on this very site by a small but vocal number of individuals who insist racism no longer exists in contemporary america,
I think racism exists in contemporary America, especially among certain right-wing whites and certain left-wing blacks.
In general US society is less racist than most others (a black CEO would be unheard of in Germany) and very much less racist than some societies (the Darfur genocide is not something I could image happening in contemporary America).
I am very worried about individuals like Ron and Rand Paul who have ample support among white supremacists (what do Stormfront know about the Pauls that we don't?) and also about President Obama who seems to think that the key to peace is segregation of Arabs and Jews.
I am also worried about the increasing socially accepted racism among the mainstream left, like talks about Hamas being a legitimate government we have to respect etc..
Anybody who claims that racism no longer exists in contemporary America just needs to take a look at the people many left-wing "peace activists" support in the middle-east:

How is support for that not racism?
(I am assuming we agree that the man in the picture is not a philo-semite talking about the medical qualities of Jewish blood donations who later couldn't explain why he was filmed with so many weapons. Talk about gun nuts...)